

Outgoing, Goal-Oriented, Fun!


St. Elmo's Fire

Teammate Spotlight: Meet Shelley!

Shelley Cobian has been working here at Apria for a little over a year, where she spends her time finding the best fellow teammates for us all to work with. Shelley took some time to share with us about how day-to-day at work and what she does in her spare time, here is what she reported:

Why did you join Apria?

I have been working in the healthcare industry for over 30 years and I love the industry!

I stay at Apria because I find it so rewarding to work for a company that helps patients directly and I love being able to find the best-qualified candidates and place them in a great position within Apria.

How would you describe your job to someone outside of Apria?

I recruit for patient-facing positions here, such as respiratory therapists and drivers; I also recruit for operational positions such as warehouse and even leadership positions.

I have an average of 100 requisitions daily, I schedule screenings with candidates, set up interviews with the hiring manager, and if they are a fit for the position, I put together a compensation piece and send it up to HR for approval. I have weekly meetings with the hiring manager and regional MVPs to discuss requisitions (a formal request for HR to fill a position) and any pertinent information for recruiting.

What are three things you like to do in your free time?

In my spare time, I love to be around my family and friends. I also love traveling the world!

What is your dream vacation?

I recently went on my dream vacation and it was fantastic! I went on a safari in Africa and then went to Ireland.

Next, I'm planning to go back to France and travel throughout the country there. I also want to visit Greece and Spain.

Interested in a career at Apria? Search open positions.